Начало / EN / The decision of Bulgarian Holy Synod for the visit of Pope Francis to Bulgaria

The decision of Bulgarian Holy Synod for the visit of Pope Francis to Bulgaria

 Bulgarian Holy Synod decide for the visit of Pope Francis to Bulgaria:

To prepare and send a letter of reply to Anselmo Guido Pecorari, pointing out that the invitation to visit Pope Francis in Bulgaria comes from the state authorities, so it is appropriate for the main events related to the visit to be coordinated with the state institutions .

Regarding that part of our proposed draft program, which includes the meeting,  we would like to inform you that His Holiness the Bulgarian Patriarch, along with members of the Holy Synod are ready to accept Pope Francis for a meeting at the Synodal Palace on 5th V.2019.

It is not blessed for the clerics of Bulgarian church  to take part in all  other events of the program of the visit of Pope Francis in Bulgaria.

За Николина Александрова

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