With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Kyprian of Stara Zagora began publishing a new Orthodox magazine – „Our Faith“.
In the first issue of the new edition, readers will learn about the significance, meaning and history of Pentecost. They will see Metropolitan of Stara Zagora in the light of conducting and music, and will become acquainted with the life of Metropolitan Pancratius.
„After the publication of the children’s magazine“ Divine Sparks“ and the enormous interest in it, we decided that not only children but also elderly people need spiritual enlightenment in the time we live today: a time of missing spiritual values, a time of forgotten the most precious, the most necessary for every person – the belief in God, „says Metropolitan Kyprian in the first issue of the journal.
He also likes what they find on the pages of the new magazine to be useful to anyone who will be touched by it. The magazine will go out four times a year and will be free of charge.